Honduras Missions trip
Hi there! Welcome to our Honduras missions page. Every year we decide if we are planning on going down to a missions compound located in Northern Honduras. This mission is open to all, please contact us if you would like to go down with us and to bless this area in the many areas it needs help in. 860.828.5105
the 2019 Honduras Missions trip was a huge success
From March 17-23 we went back down to GUAYMITAS Honduras to do something amazing. We went down to do five things: build a pool, run a medical clinic, run a soccer and English camp, and plant a church.
Last year we went down to Honduras with the intention of blessing the non-for-profit compound that has been pouring into the Guaymitas community for years. We improved the compound, helped clean their school and buildings, as well as bringing joy to their students. Pastor Franco Martinez also went to all the surrounding schools to see what the needs of the area were. From that, came the decision to bring the schools in and bless them with soccer, English, and medicine.
We ministered to over one-thousand students the week we went, as well as the medical team helping more than one-hundred people every day. Our goal was to bring the community together to help lift them, and bless them with whatever they needed; and we did so. There is a church now, with head and childrens pastor blessing the people every week.
A simple “hi” or hug to someone can do so very much, how much more a week of giving yourself to make their wordly home a bit better.
Please let us know if you’d like to come down with us to bless this community. A gift of your energy can mean a life changed. Please contact us.
the 2018 Honduras missions trip was a huge success
From March 11th to 17th (2018), ten people went down to Honduras to bring much needed aid to the mission we have down there. Last time we went (2017), we made many much needed improvements to the compound; but the job was still not done. We went down this year (2018) hoping to do more than we did last time. Your prayers were and are a true blessing, and we thank all those who prayed for us every night at Berlin and Vernon. When you do this, you are now a part of this mission. YOU change what we do, how much we do, how well we do it, and we cannot thank you enough. God bless you.
the 2017 honduras Trip was a huge success
The Missions trip to Honduras from January 9th to 15th, 2017, was a much appreciated effort that reached a lost community with clothes, Bibles, and most of all God. The team made many needed improvements and changes to the missions compound that the pastor down there was extremely grateful for.
The team brought over half-a-ton of clothes down with them, along with shoes, tools, and their personal belongings.
Passing out clothes to impoverished families
Just one day of the soccer camp
A pair of shoes given to a boy with a smile.
We took part in many ministries including a soccer camp for kids, a karate class class for women, a medicine course for mothers, and a pastoral teachings class for the many pastors down there.
Just a few of the Women who showed up for the karate class
All the pastors were so thankful and each demanded a picture with Pastor Scott
We also made many needed improvements to the missions compound down there in the way of cleaning and construction.
Salvaging what equipment we can in this insanely messy room
Ed Silva (Civil Engineer), Pastor Scott, and Ed Jointer
Barry and Edwin cementing in a fence pole
We had a miracle, an answer to prayer. We were devoting a heavy amount of funds towards building a bridge over a river for the caretaker of the compound. This was a monumental task which required a large amount of funding and a lot of preparation. A couple weeks before we head down, the government rolls in with the heavy equipment and better materials and builds the bridge. This bridge had been left untouched for years; and right before we head down, the time of deepest prayer, they decide to build it. Thank you again to all who prayed for this trip, we truly appreciate it.
The Pipes for the Bridge
The Caretaker (Edwin) Cutting open some Fruit
We had done so much to help the people down there that they wanted to thank us and pray for us before we left.
Making safe the structure (In picture, Ed Silva)
Also building a fence, for farmland; fixing the roof of the chapel; and screening the trade school so no bugs or night time animals enter and make a mess.
Roofing the Chapel
Screening in the trade school
The Bridge Miracle
Where we ministered was a beautiful place. The caretaker brought us up to his compound to share in the fruits and beauty there.
Us Enjoying a Cool Sip
They Gave Us a Blessing and a Warm Send Off
We did many wonderful things in Honduras, ranging from construction on the compound to giving clothes to the poor. This project had an extensive amount of backing and preparation and we thank all those who: went down and ministered, those who supported this trip financially, and those who supported this trip with their prayers. Every part of this trip made a huge impact and we thank all of you for being a part of it.
again, thank you for all your support, financial aid, and prayer for this trip. it was a huge success!
We are thinking of going down again soon. If you would like to contact us for funding or to take part in the event you can call:
or email Linda at: